Spiegel has earned a solid reputation as one of the oldest, most respected art galleries in the metropolitan area with artworks dating back to the 17th century”
- 201 Magazine
Art Gallery
The Jewel Spiegel Gallery is home to a collection of thousands of old, fine, and decorative prints. The collection was built over decades by Jewel’s father, M. G. Hecht and increased with the addition of Jewel’s purchases of antique as well as art by contemporary artists.
Our art gallery inventory consists of prints from the 18th and 19th century, contemporary prints from the 20th and 21st century, original drawing, and paintings. The fine prints include etchings, engravings, woodcuts, and lithographs by artists both known and not yet discovered. In addition to the treasures of yesteryear, the gallery features contemporary works in photography, digital prints, and paintings by today's local artists.
Sorting, researching and cataloging the prints is an ongoing daily task.